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Welcome to POLUS: the physics lab portal

POLUS, in addition to being the titan of rational intelligence, is a central location for resources pertinent to the undergraduate laboratory program at UTAS. At this moment in time, it is very much a work in progress, but it is envisaged that this will be a one-stop shop for lab materials and the first port of call for additional resources.

Using this website

This site has been designed to be the first port of call of any and all questions. The pages for each experiments should contain all of the resources that you require to not only complete the experiment, but also understand the relevant physical concepts, and where appropriate, provide resources for your interest.

The bulk of the content on the site is devoted to support and resources, mostly housed in the reference section. It is encouraged that you look through the pages to get an idea of what is there, but as a taster, you can find:

The site also provides a single location to access safety information - including a checklist which should be completed before attending your first laboratory class.

A home for experimental physics at UTAS

The raison d'être of POLUS consists of four principle motivations, outlined below.

Experimental content

This site hosts the notes for experiments, in addition to their source files, which can be downloaded and used both as a reference and as an educational resource. Additional material will also be added as it is developed, including computational resources and extension projects..

Reference material

A library of curated content that is pertinent to experimental physics and experimentation more generally is provided to help develop knowledge in the area. Content ranges from equipment operating manuals through to example reports with commentary.

Safety resources

Navigating workplace health and safety in the physics lab should not be a chore. On the site, detailed information on how to work safely and also how to develop an understanding of the safety framework are presented.

User-generated content

Science is a community-based endeavour. Content created by the physics community that is of interest to the physics community is both welcomed and encouraged. Please get in contact if you would like to share some of your content!

External resources

This site is dedicated to hosting content pertinent to experimental physics at UTAS, but related useful content can be found in other locations:


The official site for the discipline of physics at UTAS. Here one can find course information along with details about research undertaken at the university


The group page of the UTAS Mathematics and Physics Society. The group provides support and runs activities to make life as a student in maths and/or physics more enjoyable


The official site for the Australian Institute of Physics. The AIP is the chief body in Australia dedicated to promoting the role of physics in all aspects of society

Gotta catch 'em all

This site is developed and maintained by the facilities manager for physics. If you come across mistakes, bugs, or have ideas for content or any other quality-of-life improvements, please get in contact!

Last update: May 18, 2023