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The part I labs are associated with 100-level subjects. Emphasis is placed on assisted learning and investigating systems which are core to understanding the physical world, with much time devoted to understanding what constitutes making a measurement, and how to quantify the precision of measurements. Topics investigated include from Newtonian mechanics, electronic systems, wave mechanics, and optical physics.


Lab work is undertaken as part of subjects KYA101 Physics 1A and KYA102 Physics 1B which run in semesters one and two respectively. In both cases, lab work accounts for 15% of the subject mark and 12/16 hours of laboratory time is allocated for the semester. In practical terms, experiments are run every two weeks with a duration of two hours. Experiments are conducted in collaboration with another student, but the program is designed to foster collaboration and to cultivate a collegiate environment amongst all participants.


Experiment Branch(es) of physics
S1E01: Measurement Newtonian mechanics
S1E02: Hit the target Newtonian mechanics
S1E03: Bungee egg Newtonian mechanics
S1E04: Collisions Newtonian mechanics
S1E05: Rotational motion Newtonian mechanics
S1E06: Voltage dividers Electronics
Experiment Branch(es) of physics
S2E01: Elasticity Newtonian mechanics
S2E02: Frequency dependent circuits Electromagnetism, electronics
S2E03: Resonance Wave mechanics
S2E04: Diffraction Wave mechanics, optics
S2E05: The photoelectric effect Quantum mechanics
S2E06: Spectroscopy Quantum mechanics, optics
S2E07: Optics Optics


As part of each experiment, you will be expected to complete an experiment worksheet which is to be submitted at, and give a short presentation about your experiment to your peers. Additionally, once per semester you are required to prepare a formal report on one experiment, which will include a peer assessment process.


Labs take place in the first-year lab (room 236) in the mathematics and physics building located on the Sandy Bay campus.

Last update: March 31, 2022