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The production and characterisation of X-rays

Atoms bombarded by electrons with energies on the order of 10-100 keV are observed to produce X-rays by the Bremsstrahlung mechanism, and also through ionization from inner shell energy levels. In this experiment a Geiger-Müller tube is used to detect the characteristic X-rays produced by a copper sample. Scattering these X-rays through a lithium fluoride crystal allows the student to measure the energy dispersion of these X-rays.


Taste Rating
Electronics, signal processing, etc.
Computation: simulation, analysis, etc.
Dexterous experimentation

The experiment takes place in the Part III lab (Room 233, Physics building SB.AU.14, Sandy Bay)


Lab notes

Additional resources

Manufacturer's webpage for the apparatus

Manufacturer's Operating instructions

Last update: April 28, 2022